Building - Home

Over the next while I will be posting a view of my build. This has come about from a storm that distroyed 80% of my home at the end of 2017. It was a mixture of experiences some a release, but the destruction was compounded by absence of action for 90 days. So I will express the range of emotions, thoughts, and physical results that has both happened to my home before and where I am going now.

I am still shocked to see the images of what was my home. It was built in the 1850-60's from what the previous owner had mentioned. The old section took the brunt of the tree section that fell in the storm. The amount of water that came into my home was huge and later storms was more rain into an unprotecorted home, the impact is huge. The emergency services called in after the storm and was not able to do anything, as I had already got done turning off the gas, power, and was getting emergency items and pets to go.

This photo shows the light going down on the night after the storm. The tree has gone across the whole of my home. This is the start....

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To be weaving this length approx 3 metres long and 10cm wide. I have used 100% wool, for both warp and weft. The weft is made up of single o...