Saturday, April 07, 2012

Sun Dyes and Discharging Colour

        I have been making marks onto silk scarves  (3 different types- pongee, chiffon & habuti) and taking colour out of others. There was rust impressions on a few also, but what made myself look into sun dyes was that they have lovely base colours(Vibrant) and the sun is used, which means it gives myself a reason to go out doors to create. I have been trying to organise to weave and felt outside -as it is dark inside the house during the day, I am closer to having a loom that is movable to a flat outdoor space. It also gave me the chance to use the plant matter that is in abundance here in my back yard. Lovely large gum leaves and wattle, with others I don't know their name- plants. So I set up on the table with cover and away I go. mixing or merging colours on the scarves or saturating them and using the long grass to make natural impressions is what keeps me seeing the outside as part of my work area.

      The discharging started on black chiffon scarves that gave much more colour and pattern than I had thought. Most probably because others works that I have seen resulted in a more clear defined print pattern usually as it has been screened on and has given a more whiten pattern . I have used leaves then using this to make the pattern or a paint brush. Then I wrapped, knotted and tied flat sticks to resist the discharge paste thus leaving plenty of the base fabric to be discharged. I am amazed at the colour that came out and what I am left with.

Thank you

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To be weaving this length approx 3 metres long and 10cm wide. I have used 100% wool, for both warp and weft. The weft is made up of single o...