Sunday, May 08, 2011


A moment in the garden

It has been interesting how the warm weather we had earlier this year brought about the showing of butterflies. It was a wonderful sight of twenty or more gently flying around the house, and for some weeks did this last. A encouraging way into making which from new years eve when I saw in the year with friends by weaving. I did a sample of SAORI weaving using an actual loom. So with this new knowledge I am motivated to do more of this sort SAORI weaving.

White Wrap

This Wrap was made for a friend who is graduating this year. It is for a raffle at the fundraising night auction. A pleasure to weave and share with a friend who has offered many moments of friendship and help to myself over the time I have known her.

1 comment:

curiousweaver said...

Lovely white on white! I love it. Kaz


To be weaving this length approx 3 metres long and 10cm wide. I have used 100% wool, for both warp and weft. The weft is made up of single o...